
What is going on with witness encryption?

   recs || Witness encryption is a fairly new cryptographic idea, sort of the flip side of zero knowledge. What is the state of research here, how does it work, and what can we do with it?

Things for Recovering Hoarders Like Me [Live Post]

   recs || Some useful physical items to improve your quality of life.

TV Show Recs for Plot Addicts Like Me [Live Post]

   recs || It's hard to surface really good TV show recs, so I put my favorites (and not-so-favorites) and upcoming shows in this live document!

Questions for Curious Rabbit-holers Like Me [Live Post]

   recs || I often read things then forget what my takeaways were, so this doc is meant to remind me and hopefully surface interesting ideas for others.

Movie Recommendations for Puzzle-Lovers Like Me [Live Post]

   recs || It's hard to surface really good movie recs, so I put my favorites (and not-so-favorites) and upcoming movies in this live document!

Travel Recommendations for Novelty-Seekers Like Me [Live Post]

   recs || It's hard to surface really good travel recs, so I put my favorite experiences in this live document to help people exactly like me have crazy fun unique experiences.