
Things for Recovering Hoarders Like Me [Live Post]

   recs || Some useful physical items to improve your quality of life.

TV Show Recs for Plot Addicts Like Me [Live Post]

   recs || It's hard to surface really good TV show recs, so I put my favorites (and not-so-favorites) and upcoming shows in this live document!

Questions for Curious Rabbit-holers Like Me [Live Post]

   recs || I often read things then forget what my takeaways were, so this doc is meant to remind me and hopefully surface interesting ideas for others.

Movie Recommendations for Puzzle-Lovers Like Me [Live Post]

   recs || It's hard to surface really good movie recs, so I put my favorites (and not-so-favorites) and upcoming movies in this live document!

Travel Recommendations for Novelty-Seekers Like Me [Live Post]

   recs || It's hard to surface really good travel recs, so I put my favorite experiences in this live document to help people exactly like me have crazy fun unique experiences.