
Advancing Standards for ZK and Provenance

   crypto zk signatures || I discuss my takeaways from the IETF standards conference, and what we can do to advance standards for signatures and provenance.

What is going on with witness encryption?

   crypto || Witness encryption is a fairly new cryptographic idea, sort of the flip side of zero knowledge. What is the state of research here, how does it work, and what can we do with it?

An Opinionated Overview of ZK Tooling and Proof Systems Right Now

   crypto zk || Proof systems, ecosystems, proving stacks, and why we chose the ones we did.

How Quantum Computers affect Cryptography and Blockchain, and Solutions

   crypto zk quantum || It's really hard to understand how exactly quantum computing affects cryptography, what that timeline is, and how to think about it from a cryptographers perspective. This post hopes to give a mathematically-inclined middle ground of understanding.

ZK Email

   crypto zk || A cool way to do server-free, mostly-trustless email subset verification on chain, and what that unlocks

PLUME: Unique Pseudonymity with Ethereum

   crypto zk || A signature scheme that enables zk applications with nullifiers on Ethereum addresses, like zk voting, zk airdrops, zk message boards, and zk proof of solvency.

Cheap, Anonymous Vickrey Auctions on-chain

   crypto || How abusing create2 enables anonymous Vickrey auctions on-chain: An EthBogota project by me, real_philogy, out.eth and 0xngmi.

Thinking in Zero Knowledge: Designing a ZK Message Board

   crypto zk || The first (that we know) message board with anonymous posting in ZK, and a socratic dialogue to build it up.